God Sings

God Sings

It seems as you get older, not that I am, you hear about or experience more tragedies, suffering, pain, and disease. It is disconcerting. It is heart-wrenching. These occurrences implore us to cry out to God. “God please do something. Demonstrate to the world your...


From time to time, I find myself dissatisfied with the things I possess and discontent with my current station in life.   I find myself wanting something new…something different…something more!   As I’ve reflected on these attitudes– I’ve seen that...
How Firm a Foundation

How Firm a Foundation

When you stop and look around at the world and certainly this past year, it can be discouraging.  The morals in our culture are not slowly eroding, they are rapidly evaporating.  Violence, hatred, abuse, sexual exploitation, alienation: there is no peace on earth.  It...
Avoid the Fear of Failure

Avoid the Fear of Failure

I have had numerous conversation recently with businessmen about fearing failure. In each of those conversations, 2 Timothy 1:7 has been a landing point in scripture for guidance. Then, the following devotional thought came to my email from Os Hillman, so I thought I...

God’s Love for Us

Jeremiah 31:3 “… I have loved you with an everlasting love; therefore I have continued My faithfulness to you.” God says that He loves us with an everlasting love. What an incredible statement. He also says in the New Testament that He loves us as much is His Son....