Think Like a Navy SEAL

A couple of weeks ago, fellow alumnus, Navy SEAL Commander and U.S. Admiral Bill McRaven, delivered the commencement speech at our alma mater, the University of Texas, Austin. It was an incredibly inspirational and wisdom-laden oration, focused on life lessons taken...

Two Opposing Visions of the Marketplace

The marketplace is complex and confusing. Even economists who have spent their whole careers studiously researching market behaviors disagree widely about policy recommendations. But views about how markets function can generally be simplified into two worldviews. The...

What Makes a Man

My son came to me carrying the New Testament given to him by a popular men’s ministry. Sandwiched inside the pages were pictures and biographies of “great” Christian men. They were all rough-and-tumble men; Olympic champions and professional athletes. He was in art...


Dear friends: Easter. It affords me many memories. It reminds me of Easter egg hunts, baskets with chocolate bunnies and those pure sugar yellow chicks. The chore of finding a new outfit to wear to church or finding something that looks to be new. The dawn of spring,...