I recently listened to the testimony of some men who served on a church mission trip to Russia. (It is always encouraging to hear what God is doing!)    Their testimony led me to question: “Why doesn’t God show up in our daily routine as He seems to do on mission trips?”   My thoughts led me to a quick conclusion—the primary reason we don’t see or experience God in the daily routine of our lives is that we are not looking for nor anticipating His involvement.  We are too preoccupied with our own lives and agendas; and, as a result, we are unable to “see” His handiwork–which prevents us from participating in it.

I have served on several mission teams over the years—and each of these trips have been fruitful and invigorating.    I must admit, as I listened to the men share their story, I was re-living some of the moments that I had experienced on my trips.  The one thing my mind kept going back to was the fact that we truly “believed” that we were serving God (as His ambassadors).   We were there to serve Him—not ourselves.   We looked at every open door and every closed door as direction from Him.  We prayed for it.  We looked for it.  We found it!   It was exciting, because we knew we were being used of God!

But, when we come home—going through our daily routine—it is too easy for us to live our lives for ourselves.  We see our lives as primarily our own.  We “serve” God at all the appropriate times, but we really see (and live) our lives as if they belonged to us—and not to Him.  We live our own lives with our own agendas.  At best, we live partially surrendered lives…and a partially surrendered life leads to a dull and weary existence.

Let each of us be reminded that our lives are “found” when we give ourselves to Him daily—and for his purposes.  When we do, the miraculous will happen—God will show up in the daily routine of our lives!

“He who has found his life shall lose it, and he who has lost his life for my

       sake shall find it.”   Matt. 10:39