“Or do you suppose it is to no purpose that the Scripture says, ‘ He yearns jealously over the spirit that He has made to dwell in us’? But He gives more grace.”
James 4:5,6a


Pray for each Director August, Bob, Jay, Nathan, Phil and Rob 

Pray that each one of us choses to abide in God’s gracious, incomprehensible love and rejoice in that intimacy with Him.

Community relationships. 

As we respond to God’s love for us, may we reach out strategically to love our neighbors in each of our communities.

Discipleship Groups and their Leaders. 

May we demonstrate the love of the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit to each of our group members and leaders this week as we reach out to them.

Special events /ministry.  

Praise the Lord for our amazing WBL virtual luncheon last Friday with Lauren Sisler and please pray for our virtual financial seminar with Russ Crosson next Friday speaking on “Financial Freedom in Fearful Times”.