I will sacrifice a thank offering to you and call on the name of the LORD.

Psalms 116:17

Pray for YBL & WBL Directors, Rob, Drew and Amy: Pray for our growing team, that God will give us the humility to ask for help and to grow in our roles together.

Community relationships. Pray for relationships with local universities, that YBL and WBL can be partners with these schools, so that young men and women will learn not just how to make a living, but how to live wisely in God’s world.   

Discipleship Groups and their Leaders. Pray for group leaders and members to seek accountability and transparency together – that even in their groups they remember God knows us completely and still loves us!

Special events /ministry. Praise God for our YBL Jackson Ministry hiring a new Director, Drew Narmour. Pray for Drew as he builds relationships and gets situated in his new role.