“The heart of man plans his way, but the LORD establishes his steps.”
Proverbs 16:9

Pray For YBL & WBL Directors

Pray for YBL and WBL Directors, Rob, Drew, and Sharon. As sickness is going around, please pray that our directors would stay healthy and be able to accomplish all the tasks they have at hand. Pray that any overwhelming situations personally and/or professionally would not be too much for the directors to handle and that they will trust God in every situation.

Pray For Our Community Relationships

Please pray that YBL & WBL would continue to be an encouragement to those who have been involved with the ministry for a long time and the new individuals that we are crossing paths with daily.

Pray For Our Small Group Leaders

Pray for our small group leaders that are working hard so that God is being dripped into their small group members. Pray that our small group leaders would have wisdom and discernment as they seek to constantly point their small group to God.

Special Events/ Ministry

YBL’s Winter Breakfast is next Friday! Please pray that the final preparation over the next week would go smoothly. Pray for our speaker Ennis Whatley, for safe travel to Birmingham for the event, wisdom as he prepares, and that God would use him to stir the hearts of those who attend the event.