“He must increase, but I must decrease.”
John 3:30


Pray for each Director: Amy, Rob, Bob, Jay and Phil.

Pray that we will humble ourselves and point others (always) to Christ!

Community relationships.

Pray that the community sees and experiences Christ in our every endeavor.

Discipleship Groups and their Leaders.

Pray that our leaders seek not to build YBL/WBL, but that Christ and His Kingdom are first and foremost in all that we do.

Special events/ministry.

We have multiple events coming up next month in the YBL Ministries. Pray each of them will make an impact for God’s Kingdom.

Huntsville’s Joel Manby Luncheon October 17th
Birmingham’s Joel Manby Breakfast October 18th
WBL Faith & Work Luncheon October 18th
2nd Half Ken Boa Breakfast OCtober 25th