Breaking Free from ‘My Story’

In an essay last year for The Federalist, Tom Nichols observed that the universal accessibility of information in the digital age has had at least two effects on culture, one positive and one negative. The positive effect is that for the first time in Western...

When It Comes to Entrepreneurship, Culture Matters

“Culture is one of the most precious things a company has,” said Herb Kelleher, the founder of Southwest Airlines. So it is with countries and cities looking to foster entrepreneurship. A recent study of startup rates in the United States and Great Britain found that...

What is Truth?

At first glance it would seem that many people including Christians have rejected a lot of God’s truth these days, embracing instead a so called more enlightened ethic in areas of sexuality, marriage and morality. There is much debate about right and wrong in these...

The American Dream in Crisis

The research is piling up: children of poor Americans are disadvantaged. Their neighborhoods, parents, schools, and lack of community engagement hold them back from entering adulthood with the same opportunities that rich kids have. And by “rich” and “poor,” I don’t...

Stressed Out…Try This!!!

So you got  up, listened to Christian music, did your quiet time and was reminded: My peace I leave you (John 14:27). Come to me all you who are weary and I will give you rest (Matthew 11:28). Be contented with your circumstances because God will never leave you or...