God Sings

God Sings

It seems as you get older, not that I am, you hear about or experience more tragedies, suffering, pain, and disease. It is disconcerting. It is heart-wrenching. These occurrences implore us to cry out to God. “God please do something. Demonstrate to the world your...
A Man and His Family

A Man and His Family

Outside of his personal devotion to Christ—I can think of no greater priority for men than their families.   However, we’ve created a culture (even in the church) that steals men away from their God-given mission at home.   Families are struggling because men are...
Empathetic Leader

Empathetic Leader

People all around us are hurting, confused and frustrated. They are involved inside our families and the businesses that we work in every day. Down deep, they long for someone to listen to them and feel the things that they are feeling. As leaders, they need our...