Jesus cried out, saying, “If any man is thirsty, let him come to Me and drink.  He who believes in Me, as the Scripture said, from his innermost being shall flow rivers of living water.”  Jn. 7:37-38

Jesus is making one of the most phenomenal promises ever made!  The lives of those who come to Him, who drink of Him, and who believe in Him…. are rewarded with a life-giving river!  That river is His personal presence in us through the Holy Spirit (Jn. 14:16-20).

If you’ve ever driven through a desert, then you understand what water is to the soil…water is life!   And Jesus is LIFE to those who come and drink… so much so that without Christ our lives are parched and lifeless!

Many listened to Jesus on the day He made this claim (Jn. 7:40-52), but the responses of the crowd were quite divided—much like it is today.  Some of those who heard were convinced and believed, others were confused, and others were standing in complete opposition!

But the amazing promise of LIFE is offered to those who come to Jesus, who drink from Him, and who believe (trust) in Him!  It is only in and through Jesus that we find and enjoy this marvelous, refreshing river.

So, are you thirsty?  Jesus fills our souls with His refreshing river as we come, drink and believe in Him.  While the world offers us promises…it never quenches our thirst.  Only Jesus has the capacity to quench our thirsty souls.   Only Jesus gives us peace, and joy, and true contentment!  Let’s remember to come often and to drink deeply of Jesus!