Ramping Up…or Winding Down

Several years ago, YBL Huntsville hosted two exciting events with Russell O’Quinn, an internationally known test pilot and aircraft designer.  Russell is 74 years old, but you’d never know it!  He still flies fighter jets at mach 2 and is able to with...

Hypocrites – Yes

Recently I’ve been contemplating about people’s responses to the gospel.  People object to the Good News for many different reasons. Let’s list a few: Some people say that the Bible is not credible. But it contains historical facts the can be verified....

3 Reasons to Reject the Love of Money

  While information is abundant and accessible today, wisdom continues to be rare and elusive. Wisdom requires not only the understanding of true principles, but the ability to weigh those principles in the balance to determine which one carries the most weight...

Starts and Exchanges – Key to Transitional Success

Every four years, we all are provided with the unique opportunity to observe the value and importance of being on a great team as the Olympics take center stage of international media coverage.   This year, I have tracked two 18 year olds (children of friends) who...

A Man After God’s Heart!

I am just finishing a study of 1 and 2 Samuel with one of our YBL groups—and while there are many characters that appear in these books—the central character is David.  In Acts 13:22 God calls David, “a man after my heart—for he will do everything I want him to do!”...