Outside of his personal devotion to Christ—I can think of no greater priority for men than their families.   However, we’ve created a culture (even in the church) that steals men away from their God-given mission at home.   Families are struggling because men are struggling…with priorities…with sin.   My friend, Pat Morley writes, “No amount of success at work will compensate for failure at home. Yet, men often struggle in giving proper priority to their families.”

I understand the struggle.  The men I work with believe that a “good Christian” man is to be “great” at everything…to include his business, his church leadership, his personal walk with Christ, his civic responsibilities, his personal fitness, his pursuit of healthy recreation, as well as, being a great family man (husband and dad)…and still find time to sleep!!

It is impossible to “do it all,” yet Christian men often feel like this is how a “faithful Christian” should live!

As Christian men consider how they should navigate their God-given responsibilities—it is important to remember that there are God-given priorities…and these include the changing  seasons of a man’s life.  For example, most men launch a career and a family about the same time…and these both compete for one of man’s most precious resources—his time.  Can a man have success at both? …and have them now?  Does one take a priority over the other (especially in the early phases of life)?  These questions challenge us—because they challenge our ambitions and our God-given priorities.

As we seek God, His Word, and Godly counsel -–we trust Him to provide clear direction for the path He has for us (relating to the balance of family and career).   It doesn’t mean that our life choices will always lead us to paths of ease—but we can have confidence that God is leading us as we seek to follow Him.  So, let us seek Him, His Word, and the counsel of other Godly men—trusting that He will provide us with clear direction and grace to fulfill our roles as Godly husbands and fathers in our homes.