And Jesus answered him, “It is written, ‘You shall worship the Lord your God, and him only shall you serve.'” Luke 4:8

Pray For YBL and WBL Leadership

Pray for Rob, Sharon, Drew, and Chris, that each would grow deeper in their love and worship of the Lord this week. Pray for their spiritual growth, even as life’s struggles, challenges, and hardships attack them; pray that they will find peace and rest in their relationship with Christ.

Pray For Our Community Relations

Pray that our emails, website, and social media will providentially reach new audiences with hearts ready to hear a clear gospel message at YBL and WBL events and respond to the hope available through Christ. Pray specifically for our new website that we are hoping to finish very soon!

Pray For Our Small Group Leaders

Pray that small group leaders will be sanctified and encouraged this week! Pray for their families and work relationships that in all areas of their life Christ will reign and be evident so that others might praise the Father.

Pray for Our Special Events/Ministry

Pray for those who attended the YBL Lunch and Learn with Alton Hardy today that they will be responsive to God’s direction for involvement in the Manifold Vision ministry in Fairfield.

Continue to pray for men around the Chelsea community to hear about and be drawn to discover more about YBL at the Chelsea Launch Party on April 30.

Begin praying for the YBL Golf Marathon event on May 14, and other upcoming summer YBL & WBL events.

Praise for a great WBL Lunch and Learn event last week! Many new ladies enjoyed the event and want to get more involved with WBL.