I’ve had the privilege to lead a YBL Bible Study with a group of 20+ men on Wednesday mornings…and we’ve been meeting together for 20+ years!  It has been, and continues to be, one of the highlights of my week!

We just launched a new study in the Gospel of John, and we started with the  first 2 verses of John’s book.   There is a mountain of theology in these 2 verses, but this week we focused on one phrase:   “the Word was WITH God.” (Repeated twice in John 1:1-2).

Pastor/ Teacher John MacArthur tells us that this phrase means much more than Jesus and the Father “existed” together…  “it gives the picture of two personal beings facing one another and engaging in intelligent discourse…and intimate fellowship.”  The God of the universe is a personal God—who has been in intimate fellowship (Father, Son, and Spirit) for all eternity.

When He created man—He did so at the pleasure of His will to be in “relationship” with His creation…He made us in His image…to know and enjoy Him!  And that is truly  amazing!!

Throughout the Scriptures, we read the constant call from God:  “Come to Me”…all who are thirsty, weary, and hungry…Come to me! (Is. 55:1-3, 6-8; Matt. 11:28-30; John 7:37-39).  God invites us to a relationship with Himself.

His invitation stands as a “call” to us to respond to Him….to “come to Him” for spiritual nourishment and life!   Let’s not deny His invitation, but let us accept His gracious invitation every day…and enjoy Him forever!