“O taste and see that the Lord is good; how blessed is the man who take refuge in Him.”
Psalm 34:8

Pray for each Director: August, Bob, Jay, Nathan, Phil & Rob

Pray that we would seek the Lord, trusting in Him as our refuge in our every endeavor!

Community Relationships

Pray we would be able to “taste” the goodness of God through the ministries of YBL, as we seek to reflect His presence through our ministry efforts.

Discipleship Groups & their Leaders

Pray the leaders of YBL, 2nd Half & WBL would also seek to trust God in their every endeavor, leaving behind the sweet aroma of Christ as they serve Him.

Special Events/Ministry

Pray for YBL Huntsville’s Summer Banquet Outreach with Richard Simmons on August 26th at 11:30am.