Men: Made for Submission from The Village Blog

I have always wanted to be in charge. I get uncomfortable watching home videos from my childhood because I can see the roots of my pride, entitlement and selfishness play out as I watch little Kyle work as hard as he can to control the room. My father wanted control....

Spiritual Schizophrenia by Paul Tripp

If I watched a video of your everyday life for the past six weeks, would I conclude that your faith shapes everything you think, desire, say, and do? Or, as I watched that video, would I begin to see a separation between your spirituality and reality? I want to write...

Confessing Our Sins Together

In a chapter on confession and communion in Life Together, Dietrich Bonhoeffer writes that “he who is alone with his sin is utterly alone. . . . But it is the grace of the gospel, which is so hard for the pious to understand, that confronts us with the truth and says:...

A Husband’s Manual for Marriage

Husbands, when was the last time you stared into the face of a task that you thought you could tackle, only to find out it was basically impossible? It might have been when you confidently opened up the box hoping to assemble that new two-in-one double bike trailer...