And let the peace of Christ rule in your hearts, to which indeed you were called in one body. And be thankful.

Colossians 3:15

Pray For YBL & WBL Directors

Pray for YBL and WBL Directors Rob, Drew, and Sharon: Pray for wisdom, daily dependence on Christ, and that the peace of Christ will dwell richly in them.

Pray For Our Community Relationships

Pray that we are creative in our ways of reaching out to businesses and businesspeople who may not be familiar with YBL/WBL.  Pray that the Lord will open the doors for us and that we will have a clear vision to see them and be faithful to walk through them, representing our Savior well.

Pray For Our Small Group Leaders

Pray for our small group leaders that they will not grow weary in doing good and that the Lord will return to them the investment of their time manyfold.

Special Events/ Ministry

Pray for YBL & WBL Birmingham as we continue to follow up with those who attended our events over the last month. Please pray that many will desire to be a part of a small group study and that the Lord will continue to provide faithful leaders to lead these new groups.