The Cares, Riches, and Pleasures of This Life

What is it that you spend your time an energy thinking about? What causes thoughts to become concerns, worries, and fears? As a young professional you may not have worried about money and investments. After accumulating savings and disposable income, one may move into...

Walk On

I prefer running as my “workout of choice.” In fact, for most runners there is a sense of belonging to a “universal community.” I’ve challenged my endurance in running a marathon as well as completing an Ironman 70.3 (that’s a ½ Iron man length triathlon – covering...

Walking and Praying to gain Wisdom

When was the last time you listened to a podcast of a TED talk or of a sermon of your favorite preacher? This is a good way to “redeem the time” spent commuting or exercising on a treadmill (for instance). Perhaps you plan to attend the Chick-Fil-A Leaderast, Willow...

What are you afraid of?

According to the website ‘,’ the Top 10 Things Men Fear Most are as follows: 10. Going to the doctor 9. Being wrong 8. Public speaking 7. Commitment 6. Being an inadequate lover 5. Poor health 4. The risk of financial loss 3. Not being a good husband or...