“I have set the Lord continually before me; because He is at my right hand, I will not be shaken.”
Psalm 16:8

Pray for each Director … 
August, Bob, Jay, Nathan, Phil and Rob

Pray that we would draw near to the Lord (continually), that we would demonstrate His strength and peace to all that they serve, especially in these uncertain days!

Community Relationships

Pray the YBL and WBL communities would see Christ and His beauty in our leaders who draw near to the Lord.

Discipleship Groups and their Leaders

Pray for YBL & WBL’s leaders would be men and women who offer our world strength, peace and comfort because they walk with the Lord and reflect Him.

Special Events/Ministry

Pray for the YBL 2nd Half event this Thursday with Pat Morley. They will be hosting an online interview with Pat at 7:00am.