Matthew 9:37-38
Then he said to his disciples, “The harvest is plentiful but the workers are few. Ask the Lord of the harvest, therefore, to send out workers into his harvest field.”


Pray for each Director – Amy, Rob, Bob, Jay and Phil

Pray that we will continue to delegate wisely and disciple leadership so that God may continue to expand the fields of ministry in which we serve.

Community Relationships

Pray as we have set another YBL Birmingham Summer Series at the Samford University Campus with the topic, “Learning Leadership”. Praise God as the partnership with Samford continues to deepen for both YBL and WBL.

Discipleship Groups and their Leaders

Pray for our discipleship group leaders as they prayerfully plan for the summer for their groups, and pursue fellowship and outreach opportunities together.

Special Events/Ministry

Pray for the ongoing follow up from our spring events in the past couple weeks. The events were wonderfully attended and many made professions of faith and are seeing to join small groups. Please pray for the crucial follow up and connections that are being made now.