The Lord is near to the brokenhearted and saves the crushed in spirit.
Psalm 34:18

Pray For YBL & WBL Directors

Please pray for Rob, Sharon, and Drew that they would be actively growing in the grace and knowledge of our Lord Jesus Christ, asking to be filled with the Holy Spirit and with the mindset of working as to the Lord, not unto men.

Pray For Our Community Relationships

Please pray for the family of Pastor Harry Reeder upon his death on Thursday, May 18th.  Please pray for the Briarwood Church family and for great wisdom, discernment, and unity among the church leadership as they move forward in this very unexpected time.  The Memorial Service for Dr. Reeder will be on Wednesday, May 24 at 1:00 p.m.

Please join us in Thanksgiving for those in our community who so freely offer their spaces for YBL and WBL to host small groups and large events.  Please ask the Lord to richly bless their efforts and their gifts.

Pray For Our Small Group Leaders

Some small groups are taking a sabbatical from meeting together for the summer months, please pray that the leaders will be refreshed with good rest and refreshment daily in the word.  Please pray that those in the small groups will diligently seek the Lord and enjoy time with the Lord individually. For those that are continuing, strong relationships will continue to be established as they build one another up in God’s word.

Special Events/ Ministry

Please pray for the WBL event this evening, “Making Room – Creating Space for What Matters Most”.  Please pray that the gospel will be very clear and that women who are already walking with the Lord will be strengthened in their faith as they hear important principles from God’s word and may be encouraged through fellowship with other women.  Please pray for WBL’s second summer series study on Thursday at noon that God would prompt many women to come and be refreshed and strengthened by his word.
Please give thanks for the clear weather for the YBL Golf Marathon last Thursday when that was not the forecast. Praise God for important conversations and new relationships that appear to be forming from the event.

Please continue to pray for the YBL Jackson follow-up from their luncheon a couple of weeks ago that fruitful relationships will be established in the days ahead.