What Makes a Man

My son came to me carrying the New Testament given to him by a popular men’s ministry. Sandwiched inside the pages were pictures and biographies of “great” Christian men. They were all rough-and-tumble men; Olympic champions and professional athletes. He was in art...

The Easy Life

A Life of Ease and Comfort Isn’t that what we want—ease and comfort! It is the core value of the “Great American Dream!” So, let’s be honest—this “desire” affects many of the daily decisions (and purchases) we make. There is, however, a problem with chasing this...

Make Time for the Timeless

Phil’s introduction: Priorities – they get turned around or upside down. We end up doing the urgent, or appease the squeaky wheel, rather than the important – the eternal. I battle it every day and so do you. A friend of mine in Atlanta hit the nail on the head....

What is Your Truth?

I read an article recently that quotes the Reverend Franklin Graham saying that “We are losing our country”. He also states “Today, we are losing morally our nation, and the foundations of this country are collapsing and falling apart”. He goes on to say “The country...