
Staying Focused

Staying Focused

One of the great challenges of our day is staying focused on the things that really matter.  We are preoccupied with our lives and surviving the daily grind.  We seem to manage the urgent, but we often miss the important.  As I have considered these things lately, I...

Strengthening Your Relationships

Strengthening Your Relationships

What relationship or relationships in your life do you most want to see grow? Even relationships that are healthy still need to grow. We especially feel the need for growth in relationships that are strained. One of the ways to strengthen our relationships is by...



I’ve been contemplating the theme of gratitude over the past few weeks—especially in light of the upcoming Thanksgiving season!  My study has led me to consider several Biblical passages on the subject,  and I’ve decided to write my own definition for gratitude—and...

Hope for Real Change

Hope for Real Change

Spiritual growth is a lifelong process of change. But change is often difficult. Whether it’s learning to communicate better with those you love, overcoming sinful thinking patterns, or developing new spiritual disciplines. However, for those who are in Christ true...

What’s on your mind?

What’s on your mind?

Whatever is true, whatever is honorable, whatever is just, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is commendable, if there is any excellence, if there is anything worthy of praise, think about these things. -Philippians 4:8 Estimates vary, but the average...

The Surrendered Life–the Call of a Disciple!

The Surrendered Life–the Call of a Disciple!

Pat Morley says that many Christians have started on the wrong foot with Jesus Christ.   He writes, “It is the proposition that Jesus can be Savior without being Lord.  It is the idea that one can add Christ but not subtract sin.  Many of us have merely added Christ...

What’s In Your Hand?

What’s In Your Hand?

The Lord said to Moses, “What is that in your hand?” He said, “A staff.” Exodus 4:2   When God called Moses to lead the people of Israel out of bondage in Egypt, Moses struggled with doubt. He responded to God with question after question, trying to wrap his mind...

Motivation: Our Motives Matters!

Motivation: Our Motives Matters!

Motives are the “why” we do what we do…as well as, for “whom” we do them.   It is natural to desire the applause of men for self-fulfilling ambitions.  Let’s be honest,  we love the approval of others, and we fear their rejection.  These are powerful motivations! As...

The Heart of a Leader

The Heart of a Leader

We need leaders who have the wisdom and strength to navigate the challenges before us. At every level we need leadership we can trust to use the power and resources at its disposal for the good of those under their care. The decisions made by business owners,...

Not Shaken by The Storms

Not Shaken by The Storms

I have set the Lord continually before me; Because He is at my right hand, I will not be shaken.  (Ps. 16:8) Storms are a part of life.  They come us in the form of physical storms, as well as, emotional storms—but they always cause us to be afraid.  Storms rattle us,...

A Reminder to be Thankful!

A Reminder to be Thankful!

From time to time, I find myself dissatisfied with the things I possess and discontent with my current station in life.   I find myself wanting something new…something different…something more!   As I've reflected on these attitudes, I've seen that they are rooted in...

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