


In a culture that esteems self-promotion…Self-denial is a lost virtue!  Yet there probably is no more important virtue for the Christian to practice. Self-denial is the mark of a Christian…and it is the fundamental virtue one must practice in order to live the...

Follow Me!

Follow Me!

Jesus said, “Follow me!” Americans “follow” a lot of people on tweeter and instagram, but the call to follow Jesus is far different than simply a casual interest in what someone says or does.   Following Jesus is a life altering decision.  When we choose to follow...

Humility & Repentance

Humility & Repentance

“… rejected by men, but choice and precious in the sight of God.” (I Peter 2:4) I am leading a group of men through the Gospel of John, and we just can’t seem to get past chapter 1.  The description of Christ as God, creator, light, life, grace and truth are...

A Relational God Desires Relationship WITH Us!

A Relational God Desires Relationship WITH Us!

I’ve had the privilege to lead a YBL Bible Study with a group of 20+ men on Wednesday mornings…and we’ve been meeting together for 20+ years!  It has been, and continues to be, one of the highlights of my week! We just launched a new study in the Gospel of John, and...

Transparency with Loving Accountability

Transparency with Loving Accountability

We held our latest Young Professional Forum yesterday where Zack Penney, President of Bill Penney Automotive Company, opened up about some of his personal struggles with sin, and how he has sought to confront and conquer them through the accountability of others and...

God’s Ways!

God’s Ways!

We just held our Spring Breakfast and Executive Leadership Dinner with Mr. John Aden, Executive Vice-President for Walmart.  John did an excellent job at both events. I was impressed with several points that John made during his challenges to our men.  ...

The Melody of our Hearts

The Melody of our Hearts

Recently, while I was reading through the book of Ephesians, I came upon these words, "…speaking to one another in psalms and hymns and spiritual songs, singing and making melody with your heart to the Lord, always giving thanks for all things…"(Eph.5:19-20).   As I...

Building The Kingdom

Building The Kingdom

We all spend our lives building something. We are either spending our time, treasures, and talents to build our own kingdoms or we are spending our time, treasures, and talents to build God's Kingdom. All that we spend on selfish ambition is temporal; while all that...

Amazing Grace

Amazing Grace

I recently read the book of Micah, and I found myself, again, convicted of my personal waywardness from the Lord.  Our tendency towards self–reliance and self-sufficiency is clearly a central theme of Scripture, but even more so is the grace of God! In the book of...



Several years ago, I taught a series in Rick Warren's book, The Purpose Driven Life with some of the men at our church.   It is a challenging study that forces us to consider the "big" questions about our existence like, "Why are we here?" and "What will we do today...



When we ask a friend, “How are you guys doing?”  The typical answer is: “Busy!!  We are just busy right now!!”   Or…the answer might be:  “We are simply in a busy season of life!” For all of us—life is busy!   We are busy…and while the “seasons” of life change-- the...

The Battle for Men’s Souls

The Battle for Men’s Souls

Several years ago I attended a men's discipleship training conference with Patrick Morley in Orlando; the first session was entitled, The Battle for Men's Souls.  We were presented with some sobering statistics related to men--both inside and outside of the church...

Where’s our joy?

Where’s our joy?

We recently began teaching a new Sunday school series in 1 John. In the introduction of the book, John explains to his readers that fellowship (communion) with Christ produces joy; he instructs them that their joy would also overflow back to him as his joy.   Eugene...

A Man and His Family

A Man and His Family

Outside of his personal devotion to Christ—I can think of no greater priority for men than their families.   However, we’ve created a culture (even in the church) that steals men away from their God-given mission at home.   Families are struggling because men are...

Renewing Our Passion for God

Renewing Our Passion for God

One of the things that I have noticed in life is that our "love" seems to dwindle over time…. that is, our early passions seem to loose the time and attention that we once gave them because of new or different priorities.   This isn't always bad, because there is...

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